Monday 11 October 2010

I iz bad Kommunication?

You know the scene. You're on a project, you spot a potential issue, you flag it however you feel appropriate, email, voice it at stand ups, etc.

You're ignored, 2 weeks later it's now an issue and it's not the first time this has happened.

Are you a bad communicator? Is Test just being ignored in general?

Do you:

a. Laugh at everybody.
b. Feel frustrated and ignored.
c. Give up caring.
d. Look for another way to communicate the issues.
e. Care but give up trying to flag issues.
f. Try figure out why your messsage is not getting across.

Answers and any other suggestions on the back of a postcard.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Possibly the world's first sorta testing themed quiz.

Recently I wrote a quiz for the London Tester Gathering.  I've attached it here.