Thursday, 21 February 2013

Reasons to come to Agile Dev Practices

Program Overview

  1. I'll be there.
  2. Good mix of sessions.
  3. Good mix of tutorials.
  4. Good range of subjects.
  5. Did I mention I'll be there?
  6. Good range of workshops.
  7. My colleague Ant will be there.
  8. 25% off with code ATDC4P_025.
  9. Potsdam/Berlin is great.
  10. Markus can sign 'ATDD by Example: A Practical Guide to Acceptance Test-Driven Development' for you.  
  11. You can talk to Gaspar Nagay, main contributor of the open-source .NET BDD tool, SpecFlow
  12. Ellen can sign one of her books for you.
  13. You can talk to Chris Matts and Olav Masssen.
  14. Díaz & Hilterscheid have put on a great event.
  15. You can talk to people who make software from all over the world, share your stories. 
  16. You can teach.
  17. You can learn. 

There are more reasons, what am I missing?

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